Badminton School

Badminton Sees HPQ Success!

Senior School News

Last week, Year 11 received their grades from AQA and we are delighted that all of our High Flyers achieved excellent results of A* - B!

This is the first year Badminton has entered candidates for the Higher Project Qualification which is completed in Year 10 and worth half a GCSE. We are extremely proud of how our pupils took on this challenge in addition to their timetabled GCSE subjects. They challenged themselves to complete a piece of independent work on topics ranging from religious architecture, to the portrayal of werewolves in film, to the use of social psychology in politics. 

We wish our current Year 10 cohort well as they complete their presentations this Term. Both their supervisors and I are looking forward to reading their finished reports in the Summer Term!

Mrs Richardson, HPQ Co-Ordinator

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