Badminton School

Higher Education & Careers

Badminton made me feel undaunted about going on to Oxford and then doing a Masters in Art History in London. Eventually, I was able to work there in the National Portrait Gallery.

Anna, Old Badmintonian

Badminton students go on to do anything and everything at some of the most prestigious universities in the world.

In the Senior School

We start providing opportunities to pupils as early as Year 9 when they take part in the NatWest Entrepreneurial Challenge: to provide an innovative solution to a problem within the community.

In Year 10, the pupils have an inspirational careers day with Oppidan Education which includes an interview workshop and a wide variety of speakers.

In Year 11, pupils embark on their first work experience placement or internship. In a climate of competition for university courses and careers, internships and work experience help girls gain valuable experience and, above all, a sense of what they might like to do.

Girls often go on to organise additional internships in the UK and beyond, and our Higher Education & Professional Guidance Coordinator and the Pastoral Heads all offer support, from making initial contact with organisations to planning travel.

We also hold a biennial opportunities fair, a biennial careers fair (both of which are also open to the public) and an annual Skills for Professional Life Conference so that girls can make the link between their internships and the exciting reality of their future opportunities.

In the Sixth Form

As the students enter Lower Sixth, they begin our Broadening Horizons programme, with an Inspiring Evening every month where we invite guest speakers to speak to the girls. They will also take part in a National Skills Challenge Day and Next Steps Week.

Students will also have the chance to attend UK and UCAS university fairs and attend lectures and workshops with university Admissions Tutors covering the application process and learning about what makes a strong personal statement. There are also subject seminars and Oxbridge and Gap Year informational sessions as well as two highly valuable interview sessions (one internal, one external) to provide feedback in preparation.

Once the students enter Upper Sixth, they will take part in an ‘Outduction’ programme, Oxbridge interview skills sessions, digital safety lessons as well as talks on personal safety and life at university.

All Sixth Formers have weekly timetabled sessions on higher education, careers and professional guidance and we frequently welcome speakers from UK and worldwide universities and from different career paths to get students thinking about their next steps.

Badminton also offers a number of awards to students in the Upper Sixth to support their development and their studies at university:

The Urquhart Travel Award

Generously funded by the Urquhart family, whose members have been involved with Badminton as pupils, staff and Governors since the middle of the twentieth century, this Award is offered to students currently in the Upper Sixth. Girls may apply for funding to enable them to travel to places of international interest and to further their knowledge of international affairs.

The OBA University Book Award

The Old Badmintonians Association offers this generous annual Award to assist with the costs of books and study materials for university. Students may start to apply at the beginning of their final Term at School, and the Award may be given to a girl studying any subject at university.

Useful Information

Download our Leavers Destinations

Download our Sixth Form Prospectus

Download our A Level Results for the past three years