Our approach to learning at Badminton School Prep enhances the natural curiosity that pupils start school with, fuel their desire to learn and equip them with the skills and resilience to become life-long learners. Fun, focused lessons with small class sizes enable every child to receive the individual support or extension that they need.
Our ‘no hands-up’ policy increases engagement – so every child is fully involved in lessons. Using a variety of learning styles and skills; the girls develop their understanding of how they learn, which they can apply across all areas of their life.
Badminton School Prep offers individualised support, skills development and confidence building to all our girls at any stage of their school life. Should extra support be needed, we have a dedicated team of specialist teachers to ensure that our girls receive appropriate support.
We offer a bespoke, personalised service:
Maths isn’t just about numbers at Badminton - we engage, inspire and foster a lifelong passion for problem solving. The girls take part in hands-on activities, real-world applications, and use a range of digital technology to enhance their learning experience. Fun activities are never too far away for our girls, with outdoor maths trails, escape rooms, quizzes, STEM trips and events, and numerous competitions to look forward to.
Our full and varied English curriculum allows time for our girls to develop their communication skills, expand their vocabulary, nurture their understanding and love of reading, and advance their writing ability. We have our own Prep School Library, run by our Prep School Pupil Librarians that is a wonderful space to relax and read.
The Prep School pupils have their science lessons in our bespoke Science Lab that allows for the practical element of the subject to be celebrated. The girls use laptops and iPads across all subjects, as well as having computing lessons in our purpose-built digital classroom.
Our youngest pupils have a timetabled STEM lesson each week focusing on Outdoor Learning and Design & Technology. This includes outdoor play, lessons outside in our grounds and exploring outside the school gates with visits to local natural spaces.
Performing Arts is at the very heart of our Prep School and is embedded as part of the curriculum. Girls take part in showcases, visit recording studios, and have dance lessons.
Girls study history, geography and PRE (Philosophy, Religion and Ethics) as part of their humanities studies. History helps girls to analyse information and consider causes and consequences of events to help extend their understanding of the present as well as the past. In geography, our girls are curious about our world in which we live, and their natural curiosity is encouraged and developed. In PRE the girls learn about the world's religions and develop their understanding of different beliefs, practices and celebrations around the world.
Pupils are taught by an Art and Design specialist in our studio space, where an ever-changing art curriculum is delivered. Girls use a range of mediums to foster their creativity and explore the history of art by focusing on the life and style of individual artists and craftspeople from a variety of periods in time.
All pupils are taught PE by specialist teachers, using the facilities of the Senior School such as the Sports Centre, swimming pool and tennis courts. We have an inclusive approach towards sport, ensuring that every pupil has the opportunity to represent school teams at festivals, tournaments and inter-school matches.
Our comprehensive PSHE programme is embedded in the curriculum and enriched during form times, assemblies, and our plethora of activities and events throughout the year. Girls are encouraged to give their opinions and express themselves, balancing this with learning how to listen to and respect other people’s views.
Cultural studies is taught throughout the younger years, with a focus on food, customs, culture, and learning the basics of new languages. From Prep 4, Languages are taught by specialist teachers and include Latin, French, German, Spanish and Chinese.
The girls develop their thinking skills through challenge activities during lessons, participating in a range of activities that actively stretch and encourage the girls. They are given the opportunity to complete independent projects to develop their creativity and logical and lateral thinking.