Badminton School

Year 9 National Enterprise Challenge

Senior School Events

On Friday 30th June, the whole of Year 9 took part in the Ryman Enterprise challenge.

Our task for the day was to design an app, within our group, promoting the Ryman Company. Ben, Dan and Mason set us our first activity. After assigning a Project Manager, we brainstormed the different types of apps and also what makes a good app. We kept these points in mind when developing ideas for our own. Over the course of the day, the tasks that we were set included making a promotional poster, a flow chart poster on how our ideas grew and a thirty second advert to advertise the benefits of our app. At the end, all groups had to give a presentation to a panel of judges showing the advantages of our app and how it will help Ryman. We also had to explain what age group we had aimed it at and how it would earn money. There was a big range of designs, from apps that help with revision and studying, to teaching children Maths, to buying furniture and stationery. We all really enjoyed the day as it gave us a taste of what it would be like to be an entrepreneur and be self-reliant in our own ideas.

Lauren and Orla, Year 9



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