Badminton School

An Illustrated City

Senior School Art

From delicate embroidery to spray painting, we tried it all. The Art Department spent our annual Art Week working alongside practicing artists who have a connection to Bristol. The girls worked with Harriet Popham to produce beautifully stitched pieces. Rob Wheeler taught contemporary graffiti techniques. The rich diversity of styles helped expose and inspire our girls to study the visual world through different mediums. Our private view in the Creative Arts Centre showcased the work of Badminton Girls alongside the work installed by the artists.

Harriet brought her professional knowledge of interior textiles and illustration. Fresh from London Design Show, her work and insight into the creative industry captivated the girls. Rob and Sophie Wheeler introduced the girls to the history of street art and the craft of graffiti. The strong links with contemporary illustration and design will benefit the girls as they develop their coursework portfolios. By offering the girls a wide view point of the creative industries we hope that they will continue to incorporate both traditional and modern contextual links within their own art studies. 

Mrs Bowes 

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