Badminton School

6B prepare for university

Senior School Sixth Form

The 6B girls took last week out of lessons to concentrate on preparing for their university applications.  They started with a talk from Ben Leventhall of Bristol University, on what universities are looking for from potential students, focusing on the personal statement.  It was valuable for the girls to see just what admissions’ tutors are looking for and how they might go about making their personal statement work in their favour.  They were able to read three real personal statements in order to judge which candidate may have secured a place to read Mathematics.  They were then given guidance on getting started in workshops and protected time in which to start writing their statements.

The girls were split into groups, according the subject that they have decided to study at university.  They were given time to discuss their chosen course and current debate around that subject, research specific courses and entry requirements and think about how they might better prepare this summer. They attended a talk on making a realistic application by using their insurance choice wisely, in light of new government funding regulations.  The whole year group attended the UCL Open Day and attended talks about university life and their chosen area of study.

The girls were given a taste of university life when they were treated to a fascinating lecture on ‘Unmanned Drones’ by Chris Fuller, a research lecturer from Southampton University.  This was followed up by seminar discussions, so that they have some idea of the reality of study beyond the classroom.  The lecture was fascinating to all and made many of us think carefully about the question of whether America’s drone war against al-Qaeda is a “just war”?

The girls were focused and questioning as they approached the application process and are well prepared for this to start in earnest in September.

K.A. Dodd

“The personal statement workshops and subject specific focus groups were really helpful”

Lucy and Salome


“Chris Fuller’s lecture was amazing.  He was so informative and gave me greater insight into the complexity of the issue and the history and aims of al-Queda”



"Chris’ lecture was certainly thought-provoking and definitely led me to alter my existing perceptions regarding the use of drones in warfare. I found the interdisciplinary nature of Chris’ talk especially fascinating, as he touched on a wide range of subjects, from politics to theology. I also particularly enjoyed the seminars, following the talk, where we were able to debate, question and ultimately challenge our own views and the views of others."



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