Badminton School

Bartlett girls visit Children's Hospice

Boarding Senior School

Recently, a small group of Bartlett girls visited the Children’s Hospice to present a cheque for the £766 raised by the House on the Bluebell walk.

They had a tour of the Hospice’s amazing facilities, and even tried a few of them! Some parts of the tour were poignant, but the girls were very interested to hear about the work of the Hospice, and all their questions were answered. The girls said that their visit to the Hospice made them feel both happy and sad and were surprised at how lovely the environment was for the children.

Bartlett has voted to donate the rest of the money raised by their Charity Tuck Shop and the Craft and Gardening Clubs to the Hospice as well. It was good to see how the money is used “to make the most of short and precious lives”.



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