Badminton School

Outstanding maths A-Level module results published

Senior School Sixth Form

Many girls in VIA sat A-Level module exams in January and the results were published recently. As expected, the girls produced an outstanding set of results with 70% of the marks reaching the Grade A standard which is very encouraging and augurs well for the summer! Not to be outdone, thirty eight Year 11 Mathematicians took their iGCSE Maths exam in January and also discovered their fate today. Maths is often considered to be a difficult subject which makes their results even more impressive; all of the thirty eight girls achieved an A* and 5 girls scored 100% overall on the exam. Needless to say, the staff are incredibly proud of the achievements of all the girls who sat exams in January, well done!

Mrs Tear would like to pass on her congratulations to all our exam candidates and said “to achieve so highly in these public examinations is “the icing on the cake” when you look at how the girls challenge themselves on a day to day basis in regional, national and international activities and competitions. I am enormously proud of them."

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