Badminton School

48 Hour Film Challenge

Senior School Drama

We met Mr Chilcott, Miss Thomas and Ms Clothier in the Creative Arts Centre at 4.30pm on Friday and eagerly waited for the 48 Hour Film Challenge team to send us the details for our film. We were instructed to include a paper airplane, a character who is a cook and the line “It is never too early to think about changing the world”. The film could not exceed four minutes in length.

Fuelled by pizza, we had a two-hour planning meeting to generate ideas and plan how to meet the Challenge over the weekend. Our final edited film had to be uploaded on to the 48 Hour Film Challenge portal by 4.30pm on Sunday 16 May.

We had to think about storyboarding, shot styles, props, sounds, and editing, then we delegated roles and responsibilities. On the Saturday we filmed all the shots we had planned, following the storyboard that we created on the Friday evening. We filmed in different locations within the Badminton School site and it was great fun! On Saturday lunchtime, along with Ms Clothier, we met our UWE Film Student Mentor, who was available for any troubleshooting.

The editing process was far more time consuming than the filming; we started on Saturday evening and spent all day on Sunday on postproduction tasks. At 3.00pm on Sunday, we met Mr Chilcott and Ms Thomas for feedback and final adjustments before uploading our finished film at 4.25pm, with just five minutes to spare!

It was a busy weekend, the best bits were working together as a team, sampling sound effects, the adrenaline we experienced in the last hour and being able to see things from new perspectives and angles.

There will be a celebration event on Friday 11 June for all of the teams who took part across Bristol to share their work and to get feedback from the judges. We are so excited!

Tina, Alison, Isabella, Vicky, Bella and Zoe, Lower Sixth

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