Badminton School

Badminton & Baking with the Boarders

Senior School Boarding

This weekend was another busy one in the Sixth Form with the girls making the most of their penultimate weekend before the Easter holidays start.

We hosted a lively Badminton Tournament in the Sports Hall on Saturday. The Boarders played some great sets and showed some excellent skill! Sunday afternoon saw the Common Room and kitchen buzzing with enthusiastic bakers. A group of Boarders from Year 10 all the way up to Upper Sixth baked delicious, gooey chocolate brownies. There were plenty of laughs and some great brownie batches by the end of the afternoon.

This upcoming weekend is going to be jam packed with Easter themed activities, including an Easter Egg Hunt and Easter Egg Decorating. We are looking forward to making the last weekend before the break a brilliant one for our Boarders!

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