Badminton School

'Sweet Charity'

Senior School Drama

On Friday 24th and Saturday 25th November, we performed in the whole School Musical Production of “Sweet Charity”, an experience that we thoroughly enjoyed.

In a short space of time, the whole of the cast and crew managed to pull together as a team and produce a performance filled with songs, dances and drama. We especially enjoyed it because it was a great way to bond with and work alongside other Year Groups. We loved performing in the big musical numbers such as ‘Hey Big Spender’, ‘The Rhythm of Life’ and the big dance number ‘A Rich Man’s Frug’. We believe it was obvious from the end result that all of our hard work had paid off.  Being part of the show was a great opportunity for all involved to try new aspects of theatre and to build confidence, whilst having lots of fun. We hope the audience enjoyed our performance and we cannot wait to start working on the next production. 

Maddi (Helene) Maia (Oscar) and Scarlett (Nickie)

This year I had the pleasure and opportunity to play the lead role of ‘Miss Charity Hope Valentine’, a naive but kind-hearted character in search of love, in the whole school musical production of ‘Sweet Charity’. It has been an honour to work with such a fantastic cast and crew and especially through the amazing direction of Mrs Rose. The opportunity allowed me to make new friends in the other year groups. The amount of support has been incredible and I'm going to miss working with them all, especially the Upper Sixth girls in their final production. It was an amazing experience from "Hey Big Spender" to drumming through "The Rhythm of Life" and I look forward to the next show we do!

Maryam (Charity Hope Valentine)

This year’s whole School Musical Production ‘Sweet Charity’ was a challenging yet up-beat and fun show that allowed the girls to express their talents as singers, dancers and actors. ‘Sweet Charity’ told the story of Charity Hope Valentine, a dance hall hostess at the Fandango Ballroom who wanted nothing more in life than to find a man and fall in love. Maryam wowed the audience with her portrayal of Charity – playing her with sass and honesty. While Maia’s portrayal of Oscar Lindquist (Charity’s Love interest) had the audience rolling with laughter from her great characterisation and comic timing.

With great musical numbers that took us back to the swinging 60’s and dances that took us back to the more stylised 60’s – this play had it all. 

A huge thanks has to go out to Mr Nash for conducting and playing in the show – along with the band he brought a great atmosphere to the stage. Thanks also to Mrs Lattuca for helping to choreograph the big numbers, each delivered to a high standard by the girls and the time dedicated really paid off.

Directing my first whole School Musical was an exciting challenge and the professionalism that each member of the cast and crew gave in rehearsals and during each performance made ‘Sweet Charity’ an absolute joy to be a part of. To see my vision brought to life was truly magnificent and I could not have asked for 'Something Better Than This’.

Mrs Rose, Head of Drama 


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