Badminton School

AQA Higher Project Qualification (HPQ) Presentation Success

Senior School Learning

On Friday 26th March, this year’s cohort of Year 10 HPQ candidates delivered their presentations to an audience of their peers and other staff. Our remote pupils should be commended for taking on the added challenge of presenting over Teams. All pupils presented confidently and professionally on a huge array of topics including use of robots in surgery, the role of the diplomatic service, the Hikikomori phenomenon, disinformation in Trump’s campaign, Disney’s success into the 21st century and is Mathematics a language?

Here is what our Year 10s had to say about completing an HPQ:

Marina: “I’ve learnt many valuable skills that will be beneficial in the future, and it’s been a fun experience to go through this with my classmates. It is definitely something I would recommend to others!”

Sally: “I have found HPQ to be a rewarding subject where I have greatly improved my research and presentation skills. I really enjoyed researching and discussing my favourite subjects, mathematics and linguistics, beyond what I learn in classes. As well as gaining new knowledge from my own project, I have also learnt a lot from the presentations by my classmates!”

Jane: “HPQ was fun for me, it was very enjoyable to learn about the topic I chose at a self-dictated pace and finding all the materials from scratch!”

Hannah: “The HPQ inspires creativity and motivation to explore topics outside of the School curriculum while receiving feedback from teachers on how to present topics thoroughly and professionally.”

Chenumi: “I really enjoyed being given the opportunity to do an HPQ. I have really enjoyed the depth at which I have been able to learn. Not only was I able to learn lots of information about my topic, but I was also able to learn other key life skills, such as how to research, manage my time, and how to reference, which will be highly beneficial to my future. I would recommend it to anyone.”

Bea: “The HPQ experience was really interesting as it gave me an opportunity to have the time to research a topic I am very interested in and would not have ordinarily studied at School. It also allowed me to improve my essay writing and public speaking skills. I really enjoyed it and would definitely recommend doing it.”

Nastasja: “HPQ has taught me many valuable lessons such as time management and referencing. This is why I would recommend it, not only was the process fun as we were free to choose any topic but we also learned a lot from just one lesson every week.”

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