Badminton School

Languages in Life

Senior School Classics & Modern Foreign Languages

On Wednesday, Year 10 to Upper Sixth linguists watched a talk given by Flo Broderick (currently VP of marketing for CARTO) who spends her time between London and Madrid as well as having led teams in the US and Latin America. She studied Languages and Contemporary European Studies at Southampton during which time she spent her year abroad in Madrid, working in both start-up and corporate environments in digital marketing roles.

Florence spoke about how she took part in a graduate scheme on the International Future Leaders Programme, based in Madrid for 18 months where she worked for ‘Telefonica’ and worked on the marketing of a device in the German, Spanish and English markets. During the talk she was introduced by Emma Cammell Plaice in Spanish and girls posed several interesting questions to Flo on how languages can be an asset in the workplace and at interview.

Alessia (Upper Sixth): “I really enjoyed the languages talk yesterday as it introduced us to and inspired a range of new ideas of what we could explore using languages and also proved that they are a vital skill for opening doors to many new opportunities and experiences in the world of work.”

Harriet (Lower Sixth): "I really enjoyed the talk and found it incredibly useful to have some more insight into the ways in which you can use languages in your career. I also found it helpful and inspiring to hear about other ways you can improve your languages, such as applying to be a nanny in another country during the holidays."

Mimi (Year 10): “The talk today was very insightful and opened up new possibilities in my mind for where languages could take me in the future, and how useful it could be career wise. I was especially interested Flo's experience of being an au pair overseas.”

Valentina (Year 11): “I enjoyed the talk a lot because it confirmed for me that I can be successful in life through studying languages and therefore it gave me more confidence in the subjects that I have chosen to study at A Level.”

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