Badminton School

Mrs Tear's Thoughts of the Week


This week has seen us leave the challenge of keeping moving in RED January (well done everyone) and leap (!) into #feelingfitforfebruary, so essentially keep it up! It is a challenge on the colder days (for those of us in UK) but remember to stretch between online lessons and meetings and if it is too wet or dark for a jog then simply dance it out to your favourite tunes - maybe we should create a Badminton recommended playlist for getting us on our feet?!

It has been great to see the community continue to fully engage in lessons and beyond. I appreciated the student led Senior School assembly on Monday, was delighted to hear that Bartlett (home and away) connected through their Cahoot quizzes, was bowled over by our awards in the English-Speaking Union Public Speaking Competition and have been distracted several times by Food and Nutrition’s Twitter posts of ‘perfect pastries’ this week… too tempting.

The ‘READ ALOUD’ initiative was much valued by all and saw many live lessons involving just that! Yesterday, I very much enjoyed sharing one of the ‘Inspiring Lectures’ with the Sixth Form. It was a pleasure to welcome back Old Badmintonian Elke Edwards from Ivy House to talk about learning the skill of Proactive Wellbeing; topical as we all move forward trough this pandemic, but very apt for the future young leaders sat in the virtual room.

Through this event I celebrated two things; firstly the amazing communication skills of our former student, Elke, who reached out through the medium of Teams to really capture her audience (which is quite a test give the 2D nature of the platform, the challenge of reading the room when you cannot see your audience and the short time of a single lecture to build trust and rapport) and secondly the willingness to participate and actively engage from the Sixth Form audience, which enabled them to make the most of learning from Elke’s skills and expertise.

The week is not over yet… you can still make your community impact by contributing to #BSBfundayfriday. Simply follow the instructions below to showcase your creativity and send in a letter – I cannot wait to see the assembled collection!

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