Badminton School

Red January Keeps Staff & Pupils Active!

Senior School Wellbeing

Over our remote teaching, we are still embracing the concept of Red January, improving our wellbeing through physical activity. Although we cannot be together to take part as a whole community, we are asking pupils to log their physical activity as part of a weekly challenge, with prizes being awarded to individuals and Tutor Groups.

Our first week has seen Year 8 take the lead, with Mrs Sapsford's Tutor Group firmly in the lead. Celeste, Year 7, has taken the lead as the most active student with an impressive number of minutes active. Well done Celeste!

Not to be outdone by the pupils, the staff have entered teams into our Red January Compass Challenge. It is a virtual event where teams race each other to travel the furthest North, South, East or West in Mainland UK from the School.

We have had over 50 members of staff sign up as part of eight teams. Each team will be adding up any distance they cover exercising to move closer to their chosen destination. There is a special prize for the best performing team!

Click here to follow our progress on the Wellbeing Twitter account.

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