Badminton School

Mrs Tear's Trip to the Ballet with Dance Enthusiasts!

Trips, Visits & Events Dance

Sixth Form Dance, GCSE students and life-long ballet enthusiasts travelled together to The Royal Opera House to see The Sleeping Beauty, with Marianela Nunez as Princess Aurora and Vadim Muntagirov as Prince Florimund.
The classic tale was broken into four parts - The Christening, The Spell, The Vision and The Wedding with scope for an ice cream in the intervals between! The atmosphere in The Royal Opera House was amazing; every seat was filled, everyone totally absorbed in watching the stage and in awe as the heavy red velvet curtains rose to reveal a cornucopia of fine footwork, precise pirouettes and wonderful wardrobe creations.

Everyone had their own favourite moments; mine was the mischief and sparkle of Carabosse (the Wicked Fairy) and her rat-like attendants, but also The Bluebird dances and Princess Florine’s brilliant blue tutu!

Mrs Tear

We also asked the girls about their experience, and what they loved the most:

I most enjoyed the costumes worn by the dancers as they added to the characterisation, transforming the dancers into their roles and supported by the lighting had a magical effect, presenting the story to the audience. The use of lighting highlighted the colours of the costumes and highlighted the dancers’ movements, accentuating the level of detail.
Regarding my own performance for the future, I will aim to incorporate the dancer’s use of musicality and sense of breath when performing. This enhanced their movements and made the dancers performance more elegant and fluid when transitioning on stage. This worked to enhance their use of musicality and connected with the pulse of the music.

Lower Sixth

My favourite moment from the ballet was the breathtaking Pas de Deux performed by Mariañela Nunez and Vadim Muntagirov. Despite seeing the ballet before, this performance was completely unlike any other I have seen due to the intensity of emotion between the partners. They also displayed incredible individuality that was not only evident in the Pas de Deux, but throughout the entire show. 

Lower Sixth

The lilac fairy’s grace and elegance when dancing her solo, added a sense of magic when telling the fairytale production to the audience.

Lower Sixth

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