Badminton School

Badminton High Flyers Reach New Heights

Senior School Trips, Visits & Events

On Wednesday 22nd January, four girls represented the school in Top of the Bench, a competition by The Royal Society of Chemistry competition.

There are a lot of opportunities available for the High Flyers of Badminton, and this was one of the many. High Flyers are pushed out of their comfort zones, to experience new subjects and contests, where they can reach their full potential. These opportunities allow the girls to understand different and more complex ideas, and gives them a path to show what they can enjoy, and further interests in studying.

Four High Flyers of Badminton, Jessica (Year 11), Nastasja (Year 9), Anjali Nemg (Year 9) and myself, spent the day at the University of Bristol doing a series of experiments against the clock, against other teams from different schools. The competition consisted of two main experiments that had to be carried out in specific times. These included timing reactions and drawing accurate graphs, all in hope to beat the other schools.

The second half of the day continued with an engaging, interactive series of demonstrations, showing fantastic shows, fuelled with colour changing chemicals, liquid nitrogen, and dry ice. Once the demonstrations were completed, the results were announced, and Badminton School was placed Second!

Delighted with the results the High Flyers are eager to explore further inspiring and influential experiences which open up new interests and opportunities in Chemistry. The whole day funded more knowledge, in practical and general aspects of Chemistry and fuelled the interest greatly.

Coming Second Place out of the number of schools there, was a wonderful experience and none of the girls would hesitate to go again.

Year 10

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