Badminton School

Year 7 History Trip

Senior School Trips

On 9th May all of Year 7 went time travelling in the first good weather we have had for some time.  First we were transported to 12th century England at a time of unrest between the Welsh and the English.  

At Goodrich Castle, we were entertained at the court of Lady Joan de Valance, wife of the Earl of Pembroke, and we went around the castle thinking about how it would have worked in its glory days.  Each Year 7 had a role to take (some had costumes!), whether it was as a herald with a drum to bang, a guest at the banquet or being knighted in the chapel.   Everyone played their part in deciding different aspects of castle life such as what food was served in the Great Hall, who should sit where for a feast and who did what in the day to day running of a magnificent castle.  

Next stop was the 12th century again but this time the magnificent Gloucester Cathedral and looking at how religion dominated the lives of the people in Medieval England.  We were guided around and looked at the different features of the cathedral and how it had developed and changed over time.  Once it had been St Peter’s Abbey and figures of the saint, holding his keys to heaven, could be seen throughout the church.  We also saw mason’s marks, some dating from medieval England, magnificent stain glass windows, especially the East window, and went down into the crypt, where they think the body of Edward II (murdered at Berkeley Castle) lay before being buried in the Cathedral above.  The body of a king buried here saved this Abbey when Henry VIII dissolved the monasteries, which is why there is still so much to see.  These days filming often takes place in the atmospheric Cathedral and the girls enjoyed hearing about episodes of Dr Who and Sherlock as well as Moaning Myrtle from Harry Potter.   

A big well done to all of Year 7 who behaved impeccably and thank you to Mrs Hughes and Mrs Bowes who accompanied us.

Ms Wertheim 

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