Badminton School

A Celebration of Sport at Badminton

Senior School Sport

Friday 13th March saw the 9th Annual Sports Dinner, which as usual, was a delightful evening. Girls from Years 7 to 13 who have represented the School in sporting events were invited and the night started with a delicious meal prepared by the Catering Department, with the salted caramel chocolate cups being a firm favourite. We were then all treated to a talk by Corinne Yorston, a female footballer who until recently played for Bristol Academy but has now moved to Yeovil. It was incredibly interesting to hear about how the sport has developed over recent years and the increasing popularity of women’s football.

Her speech was followed by the awards presentation with colours and highly commended being awarded to girls who have shown great talent and hard work over the past season. This year Ellis (Year 10) received the Ovation Cup, Izzy (Year 13) the Winn Trophy and the Victrix Ludorum was awarded to Ijeoma (Year 8). In the Junior category, Laura (Year 10) won the Inter category and Karn and myself (Year 13) received the Senior award.

The evening was rounded of by the Sports Captains’ speech, which was a nerve racking moment for me, Karn and May. Fortunately the speech went well and appeared to be well received. This year we awarded ‘Chucky’, the rubber chicken who is given to the person who provides the most entertaining moments over the year, to Sera (Year 12) as she has provided more hilarious moments over the season then we had time to list!

I personally had a wonderful evening and am very sad that I have now been to my last Sports Dinner. It is a key event in the school calendar and one that I will miss very much. I hope that it inspired younger girls to continue to play for the school teams as I know sport has left me with many fond memories.

Katherine (Year 13)

Sports Captain 2014-15



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