Badminton School

Royal Geographic Society Lecture

News Senior School

The Geography department was delighted to host the Royal Geographic Society lecture this week. We welcomed adventurer and explorer, Lloyd Figgins' to the school and heard about his recent rowing expedition across the Atlantic. Senior School Geography students enjoyed hearing about his sixty day crossing from Morocco to Barbados. He and his partner were the first pair to complete this route unaided. They rowed continuously in two hour shifts for the entirety of the trip, crossing shipping lanes and coping in forty foot swells in a rather modest twenty three foot rowing boat. They encountered Mako Sharks, Dolphins, Leatherback Turtles, and the very rare Pymy Killer Whale. The trip contributed significantly to ocean biodiversity studies as Lloyd recorded these sightings and animal behaviour en route. The talk was truly inspirational and was testament to the fact that with the right mental and physical training you can achieve any challenge you set yourself.



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