Badminton School

Year 9 Integration Weekend at Charterhouse

Senior School News

The Year 9's recently packed their bags and headed to Charterhouse Activities Centre for a weekend of getting to know each other.

Charterhouse is situated in the Mendips and it came as no surprise to find it was raining when we got there! We may have got slightly lost on the way, but the teachers excellently covered that up with “its further along the road than we thought!”. When we got there we were all extremely excited to see our dorms but first we headed out in the rain for some team building activities. As the rain poured down we happily exhausted ourselves by running and screaming whilst playing 'Nuclear Attack', 'Dodge Ball' and 'Ships'.

On our second day, my group’s first activity was caving. I was admittedly a little nervous but after seeing one of the other girls shuffle down and disappear behind a rock, I began to really enjoy myself. It was fascinating to see how these caves had been eroded over time. Our next activity was climbing. The mini cliffs were in an old quarry and we were all encouraging each other to get to the top. In the evening, we had a 'Charter X Factor' competition which was really fun. The winners were Alex and Yasmin who did a fantastic remix of ‘the cup song’. On the last morning, we did my favourite activity of the weekend - orienteering. It was so fantastic to be out in clean country air, until it started raining on the walk back! We all really enjoyed the integration weekend and would like to thank all the teachers who gave up their time to take us.

Lauren, Year 9 

A full gallery of photos can be found under the 'gallery' tab of the website. 

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