Badminton School

Science Outreach visit to Holy Cross Primary School

Outreach Trips

On Thursday 17th May, the Outreach Team travelled to Holy Cross Primary School to present a Liquid Nitrogen Show for children in Years 4, 5 and 6. Initially, we were quite anxious about standing in front of 90 children, however our worries instantly vanished when we saw the enthusiasm in the childrens' eyes as they walked into the hall. 

Some observed our equipment with fascination, others were simply excited about putting safety goggles on, as this was the first time they had needed to wear them! 

Standing in front of the curious students while using liquid nitrogen to explain about gasses and low temperatures was definitely something my teammates and I will never forget! Watching them listen intently to our presentation and seeing them keenly answering our questions warmed our hearts.

Although they were only 8-11 years old, their inquisitiveness was, without a doubt, beyond their ages. One of the most memorable moments during our presentation was when the balloon popped so loudly that all of the children squealed with surprise and joy. 

Sadly some people still believe that girls are not cut out to be scientists and see scientific professions as a “job for men” as illustrated in a BBC News story just this week. Coming from an all-girls school and showing the younger girls from Holy Cross in particular that girls can become outstanding scientists was truly a privilege! At Badminton, there are no girls’ subjects or boys’ subjects, just the opportunity to follow whatever path stimulates your mind and excites you with its destination.

We all hope that we inspired the children during our show and we hope that in a few years’ time, they will also be standing on stages, inspiring the next generation.  All of us were honoured to participate in such a rewarding and unforgettable experience!

Jackie (Year 10)

Team: Julia, Luna Abbie & Jackie

Staff: Mrs Noonan & Mr Williams 

How physics gender gap starts in the classroom -

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