Badminton School

The Charity Challenge - The Four T's!

Outreach Whole School

On World Kindness Day, it seems a fitting time to highlight a Charity Challenge that was started this week.

Badminton is proud to support local charities, and the Charity Challenge is supporting a charity chosen by pupils, the North Bristol Food Bank. This is a vital charity and one that offers support to those who are vulnerable and in need. Heading towards the festive season, their services are sorely needed. To support them in this time of need, our Charity Committee launched the 4 T’s of Christmas Charity Challenge in Assembly on Monday. Over the next four weeks, leading up to the end of Term, we are asking for everyone’s help in supporting the Food Bank by donating items.

To help make sure that we can support the Food Bank with as wide a range of donations as possible, we have a different ‘T’ for each week.

  • Tins – and this week has seen a staggering amount of tins donated – we need to get more crates!
  • Tea – which we will be collecting by Friday 20th November. The Food Bank needs supplies of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or any other hot drink and of course any biscuits to dunk!
  • Treats – which we will be collecting by Friday 27th November. The festive season is traditionally a time for an indulgence, treating oneself with a little luxury so we would be very grateful for any donations of chocolate, sweets, selection boxes, cakes or any other little treat!
  • Toiletries – alongside food donations, any items for self-care are much needed such as soap, deodorant, shower gel, shampoo and conditioner, bubble bath, toothbrushes, toothpaste.

We hope that the coming weeks are as successful as our first week, and we want to thank the whole Badminton Community for their generosity!

The Charity Committee

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