Badminton School

Remembrance Day in Bartlett

Boarding National Holidays & Celebrations

On the weekend, Bartlett made poppies out of paper, tissue paper and different coloured felt to mark Remembrance Day, which is the day World War One ended in 1918.

We learnt that a two-minute silence is held to remember the people who died in the war. The first two-minute silence in Britain was held on 11th November 1919, when King George V asked the public to observe a silence at 11.00am, one year after the end of World War One. He made the request so "the thoughts of everyone may be concentrated on reverent remembrance of the glorious dead".

We made paper poppies and stuck them on windows around Bartlett to show our respect. We also made poppies out of felt that were badges so we can pin them on our clothes to remind us of the events.

Chloe & Saida, Year 7

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