With the imminent building of their new sports centre in sight, girls at Badminton School broke new ground today with 100% of the first GCSE PE cohort being awarded A* - A. Overall, results at Badminton hit a three year high with 49% of girls achieving straight A*-A grades and 82.2% of all grades awarded were A*-A (excluding the newly reformed English Language which is now graded 9-1).
Miss Gomersall, Director of Sport at Badminton School, commented: “this fantastic set of results for our first GCSE PE group comes at an exciting time for sport at Badminton as preparations begin onsite to start the build of our new sports centre”. Alongside the GCSE PE success, 100% of girls studying German and Music were awarded A*-A, and 95% achieved the top grades in Latin and Geography whilst English Literature also secured a 92% A*/A rate.
Mr Dalley, Director of Studies at Badminton comments: “It has been a difficult year for pupils, staff and parents as schools across the country navigated their way through constant press reports on the toughening up of the GCSE exams and the new 9-1 grades but, once again, the spirit of the girls here comes through with this excellent set of results”.
Henrietta from Bristol achieved 8 ‘A*’s and 2 ‘A’s and is taking Maths, Biology and Economics and A Level: “I am ecstatic! I’m so pleased all the hard work and revision paid off and I’m really excited to start the Sixth Form in September”. Polly, also from Bristol, received straight A*s and a 9 in English Language and has her sights firmly set on being a Politician. She commented: “I’m very happy, surprised and relieved!”.
Mrs Tear, Headmistress at Badminton praised the individual successes of the students commenting: “each and every one of our GCSE cohort this year should be proud of their individual achievements. Their fantastic GCSE grades are only one piece of the puzzle however, as their triumphs outside of the classroom in their extra-curricular activities shine alongside them. I am excited for them all as they embark upon the next step of their educational journey and look forward to seeing them thrive.”