Badminton School

Leavers' Ceremony 2017

Sixth Form Trips, Visits & Events

On Friday 9th June the Upper Sixth, their families and guests attended the Badminton School Leavers’ Graduation Ceremony for the Class of 2017 at the Bristol Museum and Art Gallery. The sun shone and the dresses glittered but nothing was as warm and bright as the friendship and camaraderie between the girls and their teachers.

The Girls were as courteous and friendly as ever and the Tutors spoke warmly of each students’ time at Badminton. The Upper Sixth girls all received their Leavers’ Transcript and Badminton Brooch from Mr Bill Ray and Mrs Tear gave a key note address that made playful and positive references to the girls performances of Alice in Wonderland. Everyone had a wonderful time reflecting on many happy memories at Badminton School and the future is definitely bright for all of our girls. We wish them well in their exam season and beyond.


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