Badminton School

House Challenges!

Senior School Trips, Visits & Events

The final week of the Spring Term always sees the final House Challenge of the season, as in December, the traditional options of House Song or Dance were not open to us, so we all had to think a bit more creatively about what we could do! With the help of the House Captains, Vice Captains and the House Tutors, we came up with a series of challenges that could be completed as part of their Year Group bubble. This allowed us to work with our remote learners as well who could take part wherever they were. The results for those challenges all counted towards the last set of House Points that were up for grabs!

Monday morning saw the Year Groups forming House Teams and embarking on the challenges. There was a combination of House colour themed challenges and a series of more random ones! It was a real treat to see some much-needed fun and joy being had with all of the pupils.

As Lauren explains:

“On Monday, we all had such a blast! Year 8 all took part in challenges with our House Groups, which involved fun, and creative challenges. My favourite was, ‘Who could get the most items in your colour in 10 minutes?’. It was really exciting! In the afternoon, we had sports, and played bench ball. It was quite competitive, and I really enjoyed playing it - my team won most of the rounds!”

Aliza said:
“I thoroughly enjoyed the House activities which took place on Monday morning. With lots of running around the School, finding things like chairs to aprons, it was a lot of fun!  There were many activities which included spelling out our House name using objects, finding as many objects as possible in our House colour and lots more!

In the afternoon we played a tournament of bench ball which our whole Year Group took part in, taking the top spot for my favourite part of the day. To finish the day, we had to hunt for clues to spell out a word, which earnt us chocolate Easter eggs!

It was a brilliant idea to have an action-packed day and I look forward to future events like this!”

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