Badminton School

Fireworks Fun!

News Events

There was a lovely atmosphere on Friday night as staff and girls, with their families, enjoyed the activities organised by the Houses followed by the fantastic fireworks.

Several people braved the apple bobbing and were rewarded with not only an apple and a sweet but also wet faces.  We had some fabulous entries for the “Guy Fawkes” competition ranging from the ‘traditional’ guy to the very apt ‘Gromit’ guy.  Winners on the night were: 

Most original Guy: Sophie  for ‘Gromit Guy’
Most traditional: Eve 
Most unusual: Ellie and Miss Woollett for ‘Black Swan’

Best effort: Rachel, Ijemoa and Amy

Thank you to all those who entered, we really enjoyed seeing them all.  The smell of hot dogs and soup drew people down to the Junior School Hall where they were met with several festive food choices. Armed with warm food and glow sticks we all counted down: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 to the beautiful fireworks display. Much money was raised for the Life for African Mothers Charity, so many thanks to everyone who joined us to make such a successful evening. 

Mrs Heywood


A full gallery of images from Fireworks Night can be found on our website under the ‘Galleries tab’.


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