Badminton School

Leavers' Dinner for 6A

News Sixth Form

On Friday 17th May, we hosted our annual Leavers’ Dinner for 6A and their parents. Unfortunately the rain started just as we were about to enjoy ‘Pimm’s on the lawn’, which was transformed quickly and efficiently into ‘Pimm’s in the Dining Hall’ by the fantastic catering staff, who looked after us all so well. The food was delicious and many of the girls were delighted to be served salmon, followed by chocolate torte - firm favourites with the year group. After dinner we moved onto speeches and the presentation of prizes.  

Mrs Tear spoke about the 6As and how they had helped her to settle into Badminton. She then presented the Christine Harris Drama Cup to Emma in recognition of her incredible performances (this was the first time in Badminton history that two girls from the same family have received the award) and the Blue Bowl for Community Service to Grace. Mrs Robertson then gave an entertaining speech on behalf of the Old Badmintonians Association and welcomed all the girls as new members; she then presented the OBA book award to Grace, who is planning to read English at York, and Soo Ji who plans to study History at LSE. Mrs Dodd made a speech inspired by the American theme of the year group’s Creative Day and paid tribute to Livey, who has been instrumental in leading her peers this year. The 6As then showed a very touching film they had made to bid farewell to the staff. We finished the evening in true Badminton fashion with a final ‘pump handles’ and each girl was presented with an OBA Badminton brooch by Mrs Tear. The girls looked stunning in their beautiful dresses and high heels, accessorised by the necessary addition of tears by the end of the evening!  The event was a great success and we wish our wonderful 6As all the best as they leave Badminton and head off to on their Gap years and to university.




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