Badminton School

Junior School Codebreakers!

Junior School STEM

On Wednesday, Flower, Saanvi, Ella, Ayushi and Klara took part in the Sherborne Code-Breakers Challenge!

They spent the afternoon competing against sixteen other Prep schools (and 162 other children) trying to crack different types of code and then working out linguistic problems. The Maths Challenge involved lots of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing using positive and negative numbers and then putting the answers in a cipher to decode another maths problem. Mrs Cotterell was exhausted just watching the girls hard at work!

The most exciting thing is that The Badminton Breakers may have won the whole competition! There is a steward’s inquiry currently ongoing, but hopefully we will let you know next week. The verdict from the children was that they were tired, but it was a very exciting afternoon spent taking part in difficult but rewarding challenges.


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