The Bristol Education Partnership (BEP) is a collaboration of ten schools and two universities across Bristol City. It also has many links with important Bristol-based companies and institutions such as the Centre for Sustainable Energy and the local Council.
The BEP aims to help young people across Bristol and was set up in 2019 with the aim of broadening young people’s experience of education, opening new opportunities and overcoming disadvantage. Projects, events, and activities are organised in partnership with a wide range of organisations from across Bristol, giving young people access to the best that our exciting and vibrant city has to offer.
Several teacher networks have also been set up to enable collaboration across partner schools so that best practice can be shared.
As a School we are currently working on the BEP Climate Challenge, have participated in the recent TeacherFest and attended many Let’s Explore talks on a huge range of topics.
This year the pupils have attended many virtual events such the Creative Careers Industry Days in Autumn, the Climate Challenge Student Board meeting in Spring and are looking forward to the upcoming Student Voice Conference at the end of the month.
We have just finalised our new reps for the Academic Year 2021-22 and look forward to announcing them to you all next week!