Badminton School

Ski Trip 2016!

Trips Whole School

Twenty seven girls from Years 8 & 9 departed from School on 23rd March to start the journey to Fiesch, Switzerland for a week-long Ski Trip. After arriving at Bristol Airport and flying to Basel, the group had a coach transfer to reach the hotel. It was bedtime when we arrived, so the girls all settled down quickly to get a good night’s sleep before the exertions of the next 6 days of skiing began! Each morning, the girls were woken at 7.30am (some dorms looking more alert than others!) followed by a continental breakfast before heading up the mountains on the cable car at 9am. The girls were split into abilities and were taught by an Instructor from the tour company for the week (usually skiing from 10am - 4pm). All of the groups progressed fabulously throughout the week - and even the Beginners were attempting to ski backwards and turn 180s by the end! The Advanced group travelled further afield and explored other parts of the mountain range (they also found a château and a restaurant where the girls voted the burgers to be ‘the best in the world’) and they also refined the finer points of their skiing techniques and were able to perform 360s, jumps and skiing on only one ski by the end!

Although the girls were always very tired after their skiing, we still managed to fit in a quiz night, charades, bowling and shopping, as well as certificate presentations in the evenings. 

The girls were a credit to the School and were complimented by the Instructors and hotel alike. I had great pleasure in taking them away on such a rewarding and fun trip. I would like to thank Mrs Mackay, Miss Widdison and Miss Dinsdale for all their support on the trip too!  

Mrs Wistow


More photos can be found on the School website.




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