Badminton School

GCSE Results are just one piece of the puzzle

Senior School Whole School

Life at Badminton is based on community living and holistic education. The girls are busy, curious and confident individuals who take up challenges and pursue interests beyond the classroom. Two examples of this are Esme and Katherine.

Esme has spent the summer on a British Exploring Society expedition to Finnmark in Northern Norway. To get to this point, she spent the year furiously fundraising for her trip in many different ways. She’s had stalls at local events, including the School’s own Summer Fete and she organised and hosted an extremely informative lecture for the School community on the subject of caving from a local expert.

Katherine has recently returned from a month in Australia on an exchange programme set up by the School. She spent her time at Presbyterian Ladies’ College in Sydney, a school with very similar values to Badminton. Katherine stayed with the family of her exchange partner, who had visited Badminton in the winter of last year.

With 87% A* - A this year at GCSE and nearly 50% of girls achieving all their GCSEs at A* and A’s, Mrs Tear, Headmistress said; “We are delighted with the achievements of the girls, particularly in light of their contribution to so many other areas of School and community life. We are also proud of the excellent team of staff at Badminton who facilitate this."





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