Badminton School

The Spectacular Spring Concert 2018

Whole School Music

The Music Department were extremely busy and very excited in the lead up to the Spring Concert, with many extra rehearsals taking place in preparation for the big day on Wednesday 7th February.

All the performers had a chance to rehearse in All Saints church, which was a hugely impressive space. The students relished the opportunity to perform in a new venue and the unique qualities of the Church provided an accommodating (if a little chilly!) backdrop for our wonderful concert.

The programme was lively and varied and the audience enjoyed a range of music from the solemn opening of Schubert’s Unfinished Symphony to the laid back, yet driving rhythms of Chilcott’s A Little Jazz Mass. The performers really showed what they were capable of, by rising to the challenge of the difficult orchestral numbers through to the rhythmic complexity of the more modern pieces. The soloists offered individuals a moment to shine and it was an absolute pleasure hearing such accomplished performers. The Year 6 and 7 Choir were also delightful and managed to fill the space with their enthusiastic singing. It was such an enjoyable evening, and the Music Department would like to thank all of the girls for their dedication and hard work and all of the Parents for supporting such a celebration of the musical talent here at Badminton.

Miss Bowden, Teacher of Music

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