Badminton School

Two different paths, two bright futures ahead

Sixth Form Whole School

Girls at Badminton School collected their A-Level results on Thursday morning with a spring in their step as over 86% of all grades achieved at A Level this year were graded A* - B.

Badminton prides itself on supporting each girl individually to ensure they reach their full potential in their own niche area, whatever that may be, and this was evident in two girls who received their results today.

Nefelie came to Badminton for the Sixth Form having relocated from Colchester with her family. Although new to the School and the area, she excelled in her A Levels achieving an ‘A*’ in Biology, and an ‘A’ in Chemistry and Maths. She is all set to now go on to study Veterinary Medicine at Bristol University and excitedly says she is “counting down the days!”. “I thought the exams went well but over the Summer I got increasingly nervous so I was really pleased this morning to discover I had got into my first choice university.” When describing her short time at Badminton she said; “it was easy to learn here. The atmosphere was always so calm and friendly and there was always help from the staff if I needed it.”

Long serving pupil Katherine joined Badminton Junior School in Year 2 and came all through the School leaving Year 13 with an excellent set of results. Her three ‘A’ grades have secured her a place at Durham University to read Anthropology. She starts her course in October and says she would like it to potentially lead into a career in media, editing or publishing. Katherine has only just returned from a month travelling round Peru and Ecuador, a trip she raised money for herself by working and saving birthday and Christmas money. Her trip saw her walk the Salkantay Trail finishing in Machu Picchu and working at an animal sanctuary in the Amazon. Katherine is “really happy to be going to Durham; Badminton has given me the confidence to meet new people and really give anything a go, no matter what it is or how hard it seems.”

Mrs Tear, Headmistress at Badminton School, says; “I am so proud, not only of Nefelie and Katherine, but of all our Year 13 students who are leaving Badminton with the skills and confidence to embrace the opportunities ahead of them. This year’s cohort are going on to study a wealth of subjects at world class universities; our holistic approach to education and the unwavering support of our staff has given them the courage to get really stuck into their subject areas and I hope they take this approach with them into university and into their future, all of which I am certain will the bright.”





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