Badminton School

May Day celebrations for the Acorns

Junior School News

Bank holiday Monday, 6th May 2013 brought sunshine to Badminton Junior School. After Open Morning all of the Acorns said goodbye to the Juniors and we embarked on our May day celebrations.

Prior to lunch everyone made delightful May Day crowns and headresses using sugar paper, foam shapes, tissue paper, jewels and much more. Acorns 2 rose to the challenge and enjoyed serving the food to the other Acorns on their table as well as clearing away. Watch out J6!!

In the afternoon, the fun began. Everyone enjoyed dancing around the May pole and participated in many races, such as the egg and spoon, the bean bag and the skipping race. To cool ourselves down after all the hard work, everyone had a rocket lollipop and then out to break for another run around. At three o'clock, the Acorns returned to the hall for a delicious tea with cupcakes from Rosa, Mrs Howe's famous Victoria Sponge, Mrs Phillips' chocolate crispy cakes and much, much more. Miss Cashmore would like to say a big thank you to all of the Acorns staff and Rosa's Mummy who made our party such a great success.

Photos of the day can be found in the gallery section of the website.

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