Access Sport want to level the playing field so that everyone, regardless of ability or background, can take part in sport and physical activity.
They aim to put inclusion at the heart of community sport and they do this through their own work and through working in cross-sector partnership with others at local, regional and national level.
Our partnership with Access Sport provides them with complementary hire of our Sports Centre, astro and tennis courts and in return, there are numerous opportunities for Badminton girls to volunteer by coaching and/or assisting with the activities on site.
In May 2023, Access Sport held their Multi-Sport Festival on our astro; a festival of over 20 sport and activity providers coming together to showcase the different inclusive sports and activities that are available to disabled people across Bristol.
The event was hugely successful and very well attended with lots of fun being had by everyone. Feedback included:
"I enjoyed seeing my child feeling confident to try new activities and being able to do so in an environment where people were expecting a diverse client group so there was less need for explanation and more acceptance. He enjoyed the wrestling - very lovely coaching from them, the skate boarding - he’s done it before with Campus but not for a while, Nerf and fencing."
Visit the Access Sport website