Badminton School

Baby chicks hatch in the Junior School

Junior School News

The children in the Early Years at Badminton Junior School have been waiting for the arrival of baby chicks in their classroom this week! 

The girls in Reception are learning about growing and they started the term with eleven fertile eggs in an incubator. Chicks take 21 days to hatch and we received our eggs on day 19 so we only had to wait two days to meet some of the chicks! 

At four o'clock on Wednesday, two of the eggs started to hatch and by half past five, both chicks has arrived and Ayushi named the first one Brian.

Once they are a little older we will then move them to a brooder box which contains a light and we will enjoy feeding them and giving them water twice a day. Next Friday the chicks will be leaving us and going to live on Mrs Lyon's farm who is our Year 1 teacher. 






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