Independent Day & Boarding School for Girls Aged 3 -18
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Independent Day & Boarding School for Girls Aged 3 -18
Independent Day & Boarding School for Girls Aged 3 -18
Independent Day & Boarding School for Girls Aged 3 -18
Independent Day & Boarding School for Girls Aged 3 -18
Independent Day & Boarding School for Girls Aged 3 -18
It is a privilege and joy to be the Head at Badminton - a vibrant environment with outstanding teaching and learning where the girls achieve excellent results because they are nurtured and encouraged within a calm and supportive environment that promotes self-confidence, self-belief and a can-do attitude.
Badminton School, Westbury Road, Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol, BS9 3BA
T : +44 (0)117 905 5200
Registered Charity Number : 311738